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The verification agency is listed in the sex offender registration information. Han truede med at slå mig ihjel, hvis jeg sagde noget. Men det er jo fandens koldt, og min mobil er gået ud for strøm, så jeg ville uanset hvad ikke kunne blive hentet.. En af dem er Jens Sørensen, der i dag er 22 år.
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Texas Public Sex Offender Registry - She is, a Certified Menopause Practitioner of the North American Menopause Society and also a member of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, and the National Vulvodynia Association.
Available Services The Texas Department of Public Safety TxDPS implemented this website to allow for public access to sex offender registration SOR information within the State of Texas. This information is reported, collected, and disseminated pursuant to Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. The TxDPS is the designated repository of SOR information for the state. Offenders report to local criminal justice agencies which collect and submit registration information to the registry. The TxDPS does not separately confirm the accuracy of the reported information. Please report any errors on the registry to the local criminal justice agency that submitted the information to investigate and update the record if appropriate. By using this website, you agree to the caveats detailed below. Pursuant to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Art. All information on individual registrants is based on registration information submitted by Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, or various local criminal justice agencies. DPS cannot guarantee the records obtained through this site relate to the person about whom information is sought. Searches based on names, dates of birth, or other alphanumeric identifiers are not always accurate. The only way to positively link an individual to a specific sex offender record is though fingerprint verification. However, if you feel there is an error on a sex offender registration record, please report this to the local law enforcement agency the sex offender has verified their information with. The verification agency is listed in the sex offender registration information. All information provided through this website is open record. It may be used by anyone for any purpose. However, it is your responsibility to make sure the records you access through this site pertain to the person about whom you are seeking information. Extreme care should be exercised in using any information obtained from this website. Neither DPS nor the State of Texas shall be responsible for any errors or omissions produced by secondary dissemination of this information. Pursuant to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 62 and judicial orders, not all offenders are available on the public access sex offender database. Anyone who uses any information on this website to injure, harass, or for any other unlawful purpose may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability.
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5 reason to date a girl with an eating disorder
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Brianna Baker How DARE YOU write an article like this? You see, we attempted to write this whole post in sarcasm font but the subject matter is just too damn foul. Bulimics can have anoretic tendencies as well which is restricting or fasting for days but whenever we eat we purge.
Patience with yourself as you try to comprehend why your thoughts are telling you to starve, that you are worthless and that no one could possible tolerate you, let alone love you. The DISEASE is also associated with a number of environmental factors and biochemical pathologies.
'5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder' author defends controversial article and reacts to the daily hate mail or 'female histrionics' with 'bemused and condescending laughter' - Is it really more attractive for a girl, or any human being, to stick their fingers down their throat because throwing up feels a lot better than that cookie sitting in their stomach.
Nothing screams white-girl problems louder than a good old-fashioned eating disorder. Eating disorders have been—quite appropriately—declared a luxury reserved for only the most privileged members of the female race. Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks. A girl who spends inordinate mental and physical energy on her looks is rarely fat. Girls like this are usually deft at properly dressing their body type, which translates into a more stylish girl overall. She costs less money. You can go out to nice restaurants and order take-out with the confidence that your expense on her will be minimal. The case has repeatedly and persuasively been made that an inflated ego and an unearned high self-esteem are among the most unattractive traits in a girl. Probably has money of her own. These girls come from money, and often continue to wield that spending power right into their adulthoods. Her instinct to please you will translate into her picking up tabs, coming to your door not empty-handed, or buying you little gifts. Read More: Jessie this is fucking bullshit, and is so disgusting. All these guys got their pride hurt somewhere along the line and are now scrambling to do everything in their power to avoid ever being vulnerable again. To admit that a woman is a human being and an equal is just too terrifying for them to handle. The majority of views and opinions on this site are ignorant at best, hateful at worst, and consistently narcissistic, not to mention hypocritical—these pursuits and conquests are as vain, selfish, and damaging as the behaviors of the idiotic women they criticize. You could at least have the courage to be honest. Jailyn I hope the author of this article suffers from a mental illness in the future. One that is fatal. Jules I hope the author of this article develops a mental illness in the near future. One that is potentially fatal. I will not be pulling for him. The world will not be missing anything. Kaayla Illusivefx Thank you for writing this. It started at age 7, until I checked myself into treatment at age 28. Only 2 other girls were admitted during my stay. This article lightens the mood from the normally serious discussion of eating disorders. I joke about my eating disorder all the time. These 5 reasons are completely true. You need to factor the cost of dental work, into the eating disorder equation. Not everyone has parents willing and ready to dish out tens of thousands to cover dental bills. Medusa Jordan I have not sought to win, and your intelligence or educational achievements are not the issue here. If you really think that being called an idiot is worse than the misogynist claptrap which is par for the course on ROK then I really do stand by my original statement. If you are genuinely hurt, I am sorry, but it really is not as bad as being called a slut, broken, cum bucket, or many of the other vile words I have seen every time I read a ROK article. MelMill I suffered from bulimia for many years. This article encourages men to seek out women that do not love themselves. This is nothing more than an ploy for insecure men to look for women that they can walk all over, because they are insecure themselves. Shame on you for writing this article. How the hell can you get so bent about this? Beautifully well-written, and absolutely hilarious. It would never exist unless girls with eating disorders decided to own-up and take responsibility for their disease. Do you really expect to land a trust-worthy relationship with an eating disorder? What type of guys will you attract? One who will take you seriously? Any relationship is doomed when you start-off a liar, living and hiding a double life. Get yourself well before trying to have a serious relationship. Or else, it will all come crashing down, and you will only have yourself to blame. And worth the long-term rewards. Source: I suffered from bulimia, starting at age 7, until checking myself into inpatient treatment at age 28. Hence, why I can read this post and laugh my ass off. ALL girls with eating disorders are white and rich? And since when is being exploited for ones illness a good thing? You are writing as if you are writing to someone who has an eating disorder — if anyone like that is reading this I expect they will find your comments utterly unhelpful. Michael Schwers Do you understand that at its base, what you are advocating is the exploitation of another human for your own selfish pleasure? I wake up every morning with the ideal that today will be the day human beings finally stop preying on each other for power, money, or sex. I am 53 now, and it still has not happened, but I will keep on hoping. In the meantime I would suggest 2 things in hopes of offering you a modicum of empathy and enlightenment with respect to other human beings. Actually listen to the words in the song Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. Her Obsession Over Her Body Will Improve Her Overall Looks -She will spend day and night thinking about how she looks. She will spend day and night obsession over every single calorie she ever eats. And it will come to the point where you look at her and only see a shell of who you knew. Is that really an improvement? When you take her out with your friends, and she pushes her plate away after only three bites, your friends will look at you and think what the fuck is wrong with her? Sure, she will crave your affection, and she may have self-esteem issues. Probably Has Money of Her Own -She might, she might not. Eleanor Never have I seen a website so dedicated to labeling women, whether it be by race or social status. A young woman with an eating disorder is vulnerable. She is depressed, hurt, sometimes even suicidal. And what do you offer her in this low point of her life? All you want to do is take advantage of her and make her feel even more worthless. I confess I am unable to comprehend your apathetic fog. Medusa Jordan Eleanor — this is actually quite mild for ROK. I think ROK appeals to the type of man who feels such a crushing sense of no self worth that to see women continually denigrated gives him a real thrill. If he can believe that women are the cause of all his problems he never has to question his own behaviour. Like the way racists think about the ethnic group they have decided is worth less than they are lots of ROK fans are also massive racists, btw. Guessed Pretty much everyone with a brain realizes this article is satire. ROK actually has a sense of humor, but it goes over the heads of grouchy cat ladies. Although it was meant as a ribald jest, many voices came forward to protest the insensitivity displayed by Return Of Kings. I asked you to explain HOW this is satire, and you have not. The women with eating disorders themselves, not any bozo who may think that dating a woman based on her poor mental health is a good idea. The target is the women, not the kind of person who would do such a crappy thing. OK, so it is satire — VERY POOR satire. Did you even read the article? Nothing screams white-girl problems louder than a good old-fashioned eating disorder. Eating disorders have been—quite appropriately—declared a luxury reserved for only the most privileged members of the female race. The satire begins at the last line, which states that men should desire a woman with an eating disorder which is the joke. Those are largely reserved for privileged white girls. ROK followed this article with , which again mocks entitled Anglosphere women. My girlfriend has an ED and it is not easy. Captain Sheridan Great read. I stay away from mental illness now but i smile a little knowing she looks in the mirror and sees a land whale no matter how much she throws up. OneWingedAngel This article is now old news and a cornerstone for RoK, indeed the Manosphere as a whole. Not for the faint hearted. This is why both meds and therapy are essential. As part of iii until the person is in a truly vegetative state and requires sectioning, they do have some material control over changing their circumstances, but hold an external locus of control victim mentality. In this sense the INABILITY I stress inability to recover from en eating disorder, and other mental health issues, is a form of weakness aiding from the victim state. But it can be overcome, and will make the individual strong. Nor are they weak for suffering it in the first place. The USA and Japan, along with my residency the UK, have some of the most confusingly neoliberal ideologies disseminated in the media on a daily basis. Not from an OUTRAGE perspective, but a practical one. The heart and soul of Red Pill is improving yourself to attract high-quality women. Back when this was posted this site had not views or attention, now they have a steady readership and the writer probably made shit tons of cash from this article and others trollish posts like it Fat shaming week articles, girls with tattos are trash article, how to spot a whore article, etc. Guest i am disgusted. There is a wonderful poem about this article on youtube, i urge you to look it up. Pablo Paez I am a man, am poor, and have struggled with an eating disorder. I still do struggle. Having an eating disorder is not something for another person to take advantage of. It is totally insensitive and will only cause more harm towards the person with the struggle. It is selfish for anyone to take that to an advantage. Why not help a person? Besides being a sexist, realize that men can have an eating disorder too. I have had one since grade school, and I cannot really say why, besides it being the way my external environment affected me and then how I perceived it and went about coping with it. Please, I am not going to insult you or tell you how bad this is because you already hear that stuff! I just want you to know that this is a really dangerous thing to do and it will surely hurt you too! Let me tell you something you really need. You met an amazing girl. Obviously you want to peak her interest and get her thinking about you as soon as possible—but how? Kay Dear heartless idiot who wrote this, You have NO FUCKING IDEA OF WHAT AN EATING DISORDER DOES TO A PERSON. Is it really more attractive for a girl, or any human being, to stick their fingers down their throat because throwing up feels a lot better than that cookie sitting in their stomach. Starving herself to the point of death so she could get a DOUCHEBAG like you. Constantly battling myself over eating and not eating, starving myself for days just to waste it all on a binge. My boyfriend is the best guy in the world, he makes sure I eat, he TAKES CARE OF ME. Brianna Baker How DARE YOU write an article like this? Is all you care about in a woman is her looks and if you can control her? If so, I can promise you that you will NEVER be in a real relationship. Do you not realize that women are LIVING, BREATHING human beings with feelings as well? I hate myself no matter how thin I am. I truly hope that soon you realize that others have feelings and that mental disorders are serious and life threatening. Have a nice life. This article applauds the exploitation and abuse of women. FYI, eating disorders cause erosion of the internal organs and harm the reproductive system. But I thought girls with curves not fat, but the healthy kind are seen as much hotter than sticks. In fact, EVERY SINGLE GIRL I KNOW who has one of these illnesses are very fashion oriented. They probably want brands as well and may own lots of clothes. But they compensate it by being perfection in all other domains. Only a small amount are rich. And yes, they are many poor girls with eating disorders. She probably has lost all her libido and energy from malnutrition. Either that or the author should really step up his game. Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks. She costs less money. Probably has money of her own. Aunque yo esté completamente en contra de aproximadamente el 87% No es un valor aleatorio, lo he calculado así por encima. O dicho de forma más coloquial; por haber metido la mano en la olla sin salir escaldado. Eres una persona muy interesante. Por una parte el contenido es de lo más retrógrado, pero sin embargo la forma en que tú lo expresas es vanguardía pura. Have a nice day. Mariya13 I think he only said one true thing and it was this. This guys extremely predatory and seems to be completely and utterly lacking empathy. Its the height of psychopathy. Helen Hastings as a girl with anorexia, i find this utterly disgusting. So you can live the lifestyle you choose, but i hope you enjoy mental breakdowns as you let your girlfriend die in front of you. Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks. That is, if you think bleeding knuckles, puffy cheeks, broken hair, gray skin, self-harm scars, and 80-pounds frames are good looks. She costs less money. You mean since treatment typically costs 300-1500 dollars per day? Yep, EDs are super cheap. Probably has money of her own. First off, eating disorders are mental illnesses — therefore not reserved for social class. But even if she does have money, she spends it all on laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, binge food, and stuff of the like. Not on her shitty boyfriend who dates her because of a mental illness. No man, go hire a fucking prostitute. In fact, my obsession over my body worsens it all. Usually the healthiest thing on the menu in a restaurant is the most expensive. Yes so much cheaper to date an anorexic girl. I was SO mean to my ex. You become a crazy asshole with moodswings and irrational behavior. Fainting during sex is an A+. So is puking and getting rushed to the hospital after nearly going into cardiac arrest. This one seriously baffles me. How could you POSSIBLY rationalize this in your head?? Sex with someone who is literally about to pass out all of the time is not fun. Basically, this article is disgusting, and this entire website is just pathetic. This is sad and harmful but also just the amount of stupidity put into writing this thoroughly amazes me. And he we both just look at each other and start cracking up! And so girls — lighten up! Enjoy the awesome side of having this issue — embrace and and laugh about it. But then again, how much do you really want to heal it anyway? I understand that in your culture homosexuality is deeply frowned upon, but we live in a tolerant world now. Your pathetic misogynistic ramblings only serve to compound what everyone already suspects…. So little man, stop ranting about the opposite sex particularly women with short hair — a very blatant threat to your masculinity, or lack thereof. You can find yourself a nice boyfriend and live a happy life. No more pent up aggression, poorly written rambles, you could even get a proper job!!! A very forward thinking and advanced society in which women were considered completely equal to men, had the same rights and wielded the same power in relation to social class. Coming from a girl whose little sister nearly dies because of an eating disorder, you should really be in jail. Have an awful day. The irony is, I was a woman who wanted to be a woman and please her man until one of you got done with me. My sanity and my dignity are valuable to me. I looked in at myself, and saw what was contributing to my being in relationships like that. I continue to do so. Lala Doom … have you ever actually met a girl with an eating disorder? Lala Doom all i can respond with is wow. Kelly-Ann Radetic This is absolutely disgusting. It is people like you who screw this world up. What type of message is this to send to girls. Throughout my life I have struggled with body image, and have had many friends who have succumbed to this illness, many suffer almost fatally and some have died. This is absurd, disgusting, and quite frankly bile in the form of a blog. Bad Dad Men should feel far more disgusted by this article. This website, its supposed to encourage men to embrace and take charge of their masculinity right? Well guess what a real man does. A real man would get his woman some help. This doesnt make him whipped, or a mangina. You are not a man, if you let your girlfriend waste away just to please you. You are a pathetic and insecure, pile of fresh cow shit who only feels validated if you have someone dependent on you for a shred of self-esteem. Eating disorders are not a trend. It is a disease. Its a disease that not only hurts the one afflicted, but everyone around them. Its a disease that kills. You are not a man. You just want to feel powerful over a living corpse. Just go to hell already. Not to be laughed about or used as a fulcrum for manipulation. Big big difference between a healthy normal slim girl and one with an eating disorder. Tuber Smith You guys are disgusting. Are you so dumb to make fun of an eating disorder? Not to take advantage of her restaurant bill, or her sex. I would think that whomever wrote this was a 12 year old boy, who has yet to learn how to control themselves. Grace Shailene This article is really stupid and offensive. Your points are invalid and your topic is completely disrespectful. Your articles add to the darker side of the online world which is meant to provide both subjective and objective information, but instead promotes ignorance, selfishness and an overall nasty perception of females. Basita Maybe a good therapist could help you No joking, I mean it. You probably started to feel angry when you discover — first crushes? Sorry your mommy taught you other way around. You could really do something about it. Yes, still talking about Therapy! Good luck finding anyone who could love such a dick and I hope you and anyone on here who praises or royalizes eating disorders rots in Hell. DireWolf This is a delicate subject, however most of what is said is true, men do enjoy comforting woman, and if you look at it logically they do cost less. However I would also like to say I feel very sorry for anyone, male or female, who have any sort of eating disorder. There are no doubt many men who are turned off by dating a woman with a serious problem such as an eating disorder. Should I have immediately stopped dating my ex-GF when she told me she was taking Zoloft for OCD? The shaming language from so many commenters is unseemly, and we all know that shaming language is only used by those who cannot appeal to rational and peaceful self-interest. I get it, I do. Not so long ago I even would have likely been one of you. Have you ever actually met somebody with an eating disorder? I have — one of them is dead, many have been hospitalised for years and many of us will die prematurely. In fact 25% of anorexics will die — fact. Yeah sure, go ahead and date us, have a laugh. GOD WILLIN NO ONE U LOVE GOES THRU IT!!!!! PEOPLE LIKE U ARE HALF THE PROBLEM!!!! U OBVIOUSLY DONT LIKE WHAT U SEE WHEN U LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!! WHY ELSE WOULD YOU ENCOURAGE THIS???!!!! U GOT BIG ISSUES U NEED TO ADDRESS!!!! WOULD LUV TO SAY ID USE YA BALLZ FOR EARRINGZ??!! U FUCKIN WASTE OF OXIGEN!!!!!!!!!! So, why should you date girls with eating disorders? Because you are interested in them for who they are, not just their anatomy. Because expecting your partner to be desperate to please, obedient, meek, and to frequently give you gifts suggests that you would respond negatively- verbally or physically, when she does not meet those requirements. That men can have eating disorders that stem from an obsession with weight? However, the blatant stupidity and disrespect that this article reeks of convinced me to change more normal habits. Let me start with a few simple things that everyone should understand. Moreover, even fewer would take a grossly unhealthy sign of insecurity and mental instability as an advantage. Instead, let me start with something basic. A person who cares more about himself than others is defined as selfish. However, to call you selfish would be an understatement. Instead, you are someone who not only cares about himself more than others, but also encourages others to do the same. Although the words misogynistic, selfish, shallow, and perverted do come to mind. Whoever is author of this article clearly has no creativity, intellengence or moralcompass whatsoever. Hence, they produce a misogynistic article as a scream for attention. This article is directed towards women yes, but it is truly offensive not only to women but the many men suffering daily with eating disorders. It is downplaying a very threatening and extremely common issue amoungyst all people and is therefore insulting many who know of someone, who have or are still continuing to suffer from this illness. I am asking this article to be removed immediately from your website as I, amongst many had the unfortunate opportunity to come across it and are extremely appalled. Surely someone can think of something less offending to write about then to turn such a serious illness that effects so many into an unnecessary hurtful joke. James Spiderman This is a great list and as an alpha male I deserve a chick like this. My ex had an eating disorder and it was really sexy. Also, 6th benefit: i get turned on by gagging noises so i used to call her a fatty while i masturbated in the shower to hear her puke in the toilet. Kailah This is disrespectful and disgusting! Eating disorders are a serious thing and have a massive impact on your body and mental health. Everything gets better meta4 Five Reasons Not to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder 1. Girls who make themselves puke, not matter how fastidiously they clean afterwards, they always miss 30% and you can smell it for hours afterwards. Plus, making yourself puke gives you huge disgusting belches. No boobs, no butts, no body. They all have some underlying mood disorder. Insecurity might feel gratifying for a second, but it gets really wearing. And for those of you with an ounce of humanity left: hey! This disgusts me and who cares if a girl has money! Ellie S The asshole that created this is an idiotic shitface. Like actually, he is, for one, fat shaming, second, encouraging an extremely dangerous eating habit that should be taken very seriously, and third, saying that self-confidence is unattractive? Every woman should have the right to feel good about herself rather than constantly asking for your approval. The fact that someone had the audacity to write something so horrific makes me sick. There is a special place in hell for you, asshat.
Megan Maughan - 5 Reasons to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder
It overlooks a golf course and some trendy shops. Name 1 You are a joke. Between more importantly Kiera wants to dissuade women from ever thinking this is ok, even if they are just trying to draw attention to their site. Extra points for sexual domination. There are people who are manipulative. T: My response is generally what it is to most female jesus I encounter: bemused and condescending laughter followed by ridicule.