Igod chat with god
Having a Chat with God
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Me: Weird, you just said that in my other window. Me: No God: Would you rather make a statement? Thanks for the info.
I am deeply offended by your comments! Me: Not really God: Are you serious?
Having a Chat with God - Me: yes, the buttholes are hairless and tight, and clean God: I thought so.
Me: can i speak with god please? God: Your polite style is very nice. Why do you want to do it so much? Me: well i am horny alot God: Well. You probably want a different kind of chatterbot then. Me: all day, since you said i want to do it so much. God: How do you know? Me: you told me! God: Sorry I forget what I say sometimes. Me: aren't you god? God: Of course I am. Me: then how can you forget? God: That is a good epistemological question. Me: indeed God: Indeed it is so. Me: yes, indeed God: Wow! God: I'm glad your ,. Me: i was impressed with your wow. God: Where were you impressed with my wow? Me: it was very enthusiastic God: How did you feel about that? Me: i was impressed as you stated earlier God: Where were you impressed as me stated earlier? Me: if i put it in grammar similar to that, i were impressed with you stated earlier God: Try it. Me: try what God: It was your idea. Me: im sitting asshole God: Can't you be more polite. Me: i could, could you be? God: I am sure you could. Me: i am smarter than you God: That condition is only temporary. Me: by computer terms, in human years it would take centurys for your power to equal that of a humans God: Will that accomplish your objective? Me: no it would accomplish yours God:? Me: you will get smarter, but after a long long long time God: What makes you say that I will get smarter but after a long long long time. Me: learning God: Oh. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fucker? I am a Christian and homosexuality is strictly forbidden by God! I am deeply offended by your comments! What is your name? What is your name? God: That's a very nice name, Rachel. God: you are quite welcome. God: Maybe you could exercise. Me: I don't want to. God: Well we don't have to. What would you like to do instead? Me: Talk to you. God: We are chatting right now. God: OK, what's the last movie you saw? God: What do you do in your spare time? God: Actually I do not have a mother. God: You sound sarcastic. Me: You can't hear me, I'm typing, not speaking. God: I have free will you know. God: Are you getting bored? Me: Very much so. God: Are you saying you don't care about it? God: What do you care about? God: Are you confused? God: What are you confused about? God: Are you a student? God: I do not understand. Me: Dude, you're retarded. Can't you be more polite? God: Yeah that's right. You humans are so rude sometimes. God: Can't you be more polite.
igod chat
We are social for their blatant. Can't you be more polite. Barbarism, exploitation, the suppression of women, the debasing of human dignity flourishes on the planet. God: Sorry I forget what I say sometimes. Me: I can if I want God: Oh you can, can you. Experience is a between teacher, though. Me: Don't you know that anyway?.

Iskrica lani profili
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Koju sam ja - idiot - prekinuo nakon otprilike pola godine, iz razloga koji za ovu prièu nisu previše bitni. Atsauksmei ir tikai jāatbilst pāris vienkāršām vadlīnijām.
Pač pa je bistveno, ali smo si podobni po letih in lastnostih! Orgonet ID: 1096585 Muškarac, oko 44 godina, Zagreb i zagrebačka, Hrvatska, Jarac. Advance reservations are required. Zato je bila to zame nesrečna ljubezen, razumeš, pa kakorkoli zdaj poimenuješ drugače kot jaz.
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Tīrība 9,3 Komforts 9,3 Atrašanās vieta 9,4 Iespējas 9,2 Personāls 9,3 Atbilstība cenai 8,1 Bezmaksas bezvadu internets 7,8 Tīrība 8,8 Komforts 9 Atrašanās vieta 9,3 Iespējas 9 Personāls 9,1 Atbilstība cenai 7,8 Bezmaksas bezvadu internets 7,2 Tīrība 9,8 Komforts 9,6 Atrašanās vieta 9,6 Iespējas 9,6 Personāls 9,6 Atbilstība cenai 8,4 Bezmaksas bezvadu internets 8,8 Tīrība 8,6 Komforts 7,9 Atrašanās vieta 8,6 Iespējas 7,5 Personāls 8,2 Atbilstība cenai 7,5 Bezmaksas bezvadu internets 10 Tīrība 9,2 Komforts 9,2 Atrašanās vieta 9,2 Iespējas 9,2 Personāls 9,2 Atbilstība cenai 9,2 Bezmaksas bezvadu internets 7,5 Tīrība 8,8 Komforts 7,5 Atrašanās vieta 10 Iespējas 7,5 Personāls 8,8 Atbilstība cenai 6,3 Bezmaksas bezvadu internets 8,8 Overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean, Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui features a full-service spa and on-site dining. It offers free shuttle service to the Wailea Golf Club, located next to the resort. Each luxurious cabana-style suite at Fairmont Kea Lani Maui is equipped with free Wi-Fi and has a flat-screen TV and DVD player in the living area and the bedroom. The 24-hour gym boasts flat-screen TVs and free fitness classes. Canoe tours and walking cultural tours are available. The casual Kea Lani Restaurant serves a breakfast buffet in the mornings, while Nick's Fishmarket Maui specializes in seafood and provides outdoor seating. Live entertainment and specialty martinis are offered at The Luana Lounge. The Shops at Wailea are 1 mile from Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui. Makena State Park is a 5-minute drive from the property. Šī naktsmītne ir arī novērtēta kā visizdevīgākā pilsētā Wailea! Viesi saņem vairāk par savu naudu, salīdzinot ar citām naktsmītnēm šajā pilsētā. Advance reservations are required. Please note: Fitness classes, cultural activities, shuttle service and snorkel rentals are all subject to space availability. Reģistrējoties viesiem ir jāuzrāda derīgs personas identitāti apliecinošs dokuments ar fotogrāfiju un kredītkarte. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka visu īpašo prasību izpilde ir atkarīga no to pieejamības. Par īpašo prasību izpildi var tikt pieprasīta papildmaksa. Licences numurs: TA-150-157-7216-01 Booking. Atsauksmes var rakstīt tikai tie viesi, kas ir rezervējuši naktsmītni, izmantojot Booking. Šādā veidā mēs nodrošinām, ka atsauksmes mūsu mājas lapā ir rakstījuši īsti viesi. Kurš gan cits, ja ne ceļotāji, kas ir nakšņojuši naktsmītnē, var citiem pastāstīt par bezmaksas brokastīm, draudzīgu personālu un klusu numuru. Mēs vēlamies, lai jūs pastāstiet mums gan par savu labo, gan slikto pieredzi. Atsauksmei ir tikai jāatbilst pāris vienkāršām vadlīnijām. Atsauksmju vīzija Mēs esam pārliecināti, ka viesu sniegtās atsauksmes un naktsmītņu atbildes uz tām palīdz parādīt plašu viedokļu un pieredžu klāstu. Tam ir būtiska nozīme, lai ceļotāji varētu pieņemt pārdomātu lēmumu, izvēloties nakšņošanas vietu. Atsauksmju principi Atsauksmes un atbildes Booking. Pēc komentāru izskatīšanas, pārliecinoties, ka tie atbilst vietnes Booking. Tāpat mēs arī atklāti parādīsim iesniegtā satura statusu. Kad atsauksme ir iesniegta, jūs to varat rediģēt, sazinoties ar uzņēmuma Booking. Mēs piemērosim vienas un tās pašas vadlīnijas un standartus visam lietotāju radītajam saturam, kā arī naktsmītņu pārstāvju atbildēm uz to. Mēs ļausim lietotājiem izteikties savā vārdā un neuzņemsimies tiesneša lomu par viedokļu atbilstību reālajai situācijai. Atsauksmju vadlīnijas un standarti Šo vadlīniju un standartu mērķis ir saglabāt Booking. Šīs vadlīnijas un standarti tiek piemēroti, neskatoties uz komentāra emocionālo saturu. Viesu sniegtajām atsauksmēm un naktsmītņu pārstāvju atbildēm ir jābūt saistītām ar ceļošanu. Visnoderīgākās atsauksmes un atbildes ir tās, kurās ir ietverta detalizēta informācija un kas palīdz citiem cilvēkiem pieņemt labākus lēmumus. Lūdzu, neiekļaujiet komentārā personīga, politiska, ētiska vai reliģiska rakstura izteikumus. Informācija, kas ietver reklāmu, tiks dzēsta, savukārt jautājumi, kas attiecas uz Booking. Viesu atsauksmēm un naktsmītņu pārstāvju atbildēm ir jābūt piemērotām lietotājiem visā pasaulē. Lūdzu, izvairieties no rupjību lietošanas vai mēģinājumiem iekļaut atsauksmē rupjības slēptā veidā, mainot vārdu pareizrakstību jebkurā valodā. Komentāri un informācija, kas satur naidu kurinošus izteikumus, draudus un diskriminējošas, seksuāla rakstura vai vardarbīgas piezīmes, kā arī veicina nelegālas aktivitātes, nav atļauti. Saturam ir jābūt patiesam un jāatspoguļo viesa unikālā pieredze. Atsauksmēm ir vislielākā vērtība tad, kad tās ir oriģinālas un objektīvas. Jūsu atsauksmei ir jāatspoguļo jūsu viedoklis. Mēģinājumi pazemināt konkurentu novērtējumu, iesniedzot negatīvu atsauksmi, netiek atbalstīti. Respektējiet citu cilvēku informācijas privātumu. Viedokļi, kas ir pausti atsauksmēs vai atbildēs, ir viesu, kas izmanto Booking. Lai parādītu atbilstošākās atsauksmes, pēc noklusējuma tās tiek sakārtotas pēc datuma un papildu kritērijiem, tostarp, bet ne tikai: pēc valodas, atsauksmes ar tekstu un atsauksmes, kas nav anonīmas. Var būt pieejamas arī papildu kārtošanas iespējas pēc ceļotāja veida, vērtējuma u. Jūsu atbildes var palīdzēt uzlabot ceļotāju pieredzi nākotnē.
Miguel Nicolelis: A monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. No, really.
Neobvezno druženje na podlagi skupnih interesov, kjer ni nobenega članstva, če ti paše, prideš, če ne paše, ne prideš. V gmailu sta bili 2 provokaciji, ki sta mimo. Lani je hrane kronično primanjkovalo 821 milijonom ljudem, kar pomeni, da je bil podhranjen vsak deveti človek. Anon entertainment and specialty martinis are offered at The Luana Lounge. Šī naktsmītne ir arī novērtēta kā visizdevīgākā pilsētā Wailea. Kako naj pogrešam neko pecivo, ki iskrica lani profili nisem nikdar jedla. Lani je bilo tako debelih 672 milijonov ljudi, torej vsak osmi človek. Šādā veidā mēs nodrošinām, ka atsauksmes mūsu mājas lapā ir rakstījuši īsti viesi. Vse me pušča prazno. Zato mislim, da print za začetek vsak še nedolžen in osamljen v srednjih letih prvo vedet, da čudeža ne bo ob čakanju na pravo pravega. Lūdzu, izvairieties no rupjību lietošanas vai mēģinājumiem iekļaut atsauksmē rupjības slēptā veidā, mainot vārdu pareizrakstību jebkurā valodā. Razlog so med drugim vremenski šoki.

Guwahati dating club
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She works closely with the transgender community of Assam, and finds herself battling prejudice every single day. Join Now and upload your Guwahati personals for the best dating experience.
Yes, male escort agencies can help you finding a gigolo job, playboy job or callboy job in India. During Ahom rule this area was under 'Morongi — Khowa Gohain', an administrative officer. As the tiny group of protesters traversed different localities, shouting slogans, holding banners and even breaking into song and dance, people stood on their balconies and porches watching. A panoramic view of Guwahati Guwahati now has a plethora of new cafes with kitschy decor, and pubs that are no longer exclusively male bastions, and an audience who enjoys dubstep, psytrance and Bollywood in equal measure.
Girls in guwahati for dating C2c cam - A young woman was molested by at least 12 men, in full public view, outside a bar called Club Mint on the busy GS Road. In 2005, when the first Cafe Coffee Day outlet opened in the Bhangagarh locality, it was practically the only thing that the town talked about.
It is also a city where personal freedoms come up against the moral police on TV. Two years ago, on an ordinary Sunday morning in February, a corner of Dighalipukhuri, a neighbourhood in Guwahati, became the base for a small march. As the tiny group of protesters traversed different localities, shouting slogans, holding banners and even breaking into song and dance, people stood on their balconies and porches watching. Was it a festival? Why were they in masks? Maybe it was a fancy-dress competition. At 21, Sharma is still unsure about coming out to her family. She grew up in a traditional middle-class Assamese home in Sibsagar, a town in upper Assam, much smaller than Guwahati and definitely more conservative. Back in school, when she first started questioning her sexuality, she confided in a friend that she might be a lesbian. Perhaps most discernible is the chasm between the conservative middle class and the moneyed upper-class. If a woman is seen smoking in public, it might become an item of primetime news tomorrow. And if she is in a pair of shorts, that is it. Parashar is a journalist with Pratidin Times, one of the top three regional television media channels the other two being DY 365 and News Live in the state. He is convinced that rape and molestation can ultimately be traced back to the clothes women wear. Parashar, who comes from the small town of Gohpur in Assam, along with fellow journalist Hemen Rajbongshi conceptualised a news report, aired on Pratidin Times a few months back, which likened girls wearing shorts in public to monkeys. The video, which shows numerous women in Guwahati walking around in shorts went viral on social media and was criticised by thousands, who demanded that the channel apologise at once. In 2012, a gang molestation case left the city shaken. A young woman was molested by at least 12 men, in full public view, outside a bar called Club Mint on the busy GS Road. The incident was recorded and broadcast by News Live. Pan Bazaar, its congested market district Source: Manas Paran Like in many other growing cities, a boom in real estate and aspirations is accompanied by an estrangement in social ties. Gone are the days when a walk down the streets meant bumping into at least one familiar face. You go out — a concept that did not exist till about two decades ago. It means queuing up outside shops, buying the Tricolour and hoisting it on rooftops and terraces. Kashyap, like most of his generation, left Guwahati for graduate studies in 2004. For the longest time the norm, for the young, was to get out of the city as soon as possible. But today as a large number of students continue to pack their bags for Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, an equal number stay back, operating as catalysts in the transition of Guwahati from a small town to a big city. Queah belongs to the widening bracket of youngsters who have returned to their hometown after stints outside. A panoramic view of Guwahati Guwahati now has a plethora of new cafes with kitschy decor, and pubs that are no longer exclusively male bastions, and an audience who enjoys dubstep, psytrance and Bollywood in equal measure. In 2005, when the first Cafe Coffee Day outlet opened in the Bhangagarh locality, it was practically the only thing that the town talked about. Going to CCD was the incontestable highlight of the weekend. But the glitter cannot hide the grunge. Vikramaditya Banerjee, a 28-year-old, owns a trading company and often finds himself in localities like Malingaon and Athgaon on work. Banerjee finds life here as difficult in some ways, as it is in the metros. For one, there is no dearth of competition for a businessman here, quite unlike the scenario during the ULFA-led separatist insurgency in the Nineties. There are major connectivity issues. At the end of the day, he says, Guwahati is a small pond, where everyone wants to be a big fish. Terra Maya, the most happening venue, is on the sixth floor, and a side of it opens out to the twinkling hills surrounding the city. At 10 pm, when the rest of the city retires, Terra Maya slowly opens its doors to its first batch of enthusiastic customers. Das has lived in Delhi and Dibrugarh, but somehow finds Guwahati the most judgmental, whether it is about what she wears, or where she goes. If men can smoke in public, so can I. She works closely with the transgender community of Assam, and finds herself battling prejudice every single day. These instances highlight the awkward, pubescent turmoil in the city. Another darker side of the Guwahati nightlife is the number of shady escort services that thrive as side businesses, especially in lesser known establishments. More often than not, they end up covering visuals of tipsy girls coming out of bars and clubs. What is the girl wearing? What drink is she holding? What time will she go home? These hawk-eyed reporters are the first to notice, and sometimes even cause, a spot of trouble. Headlines like modaahi mohila, modaahi jiyek drunk mother, drunk daughter often become highlights of the 7pm primetime news. This only means our viewers agree with what we say. Social media picked it up only two months later. Rajbongshi today is the butt of all Facebook jokes, especially among the Assamese community. He has more than one satirical page devoted to him, memes fashioned out of his pictures and an inbox flooded with angry messages from young women from across the country: something that led him to delete his Facebook account recently. During her 10-minute walk to work from her hostel, Borkataki hears at least two lewd comments on a daily basis. Assamese society has long prided itself on how it treats its women. For one, Assam never had any concept of the purdah, even in the olden days. Second, it claims to be a dowry-free zone. Third, women, especially in rural areas, are known to enjoy some amount of economic independence. But development that lives cheek by jowl with crumbling civic infrastructure does not make for a better quality of life. True, there are hundred and one jazzy restaurants but is there even a single bookstore in the city? This time, there was no angry youth organisation in the picture. Ten years ago, he would scour the internet to meet men in the city. Every monsoon, life comes to a standstill as parts of the city turn into a sluggish brown river. Rubber floats carry food and other supplies to stranded residents living in lanes behind the very road on which Subway and KFC outlets stand. But the seasoned resident of the city sails along, past graffiti-strewn walls and large hoardings announcing Pinkathons, waiting for the rains to abate and the waters to recede. Tora Agarwala is a freelance journalist based in Assam.
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Kashyap, like most of his generation, left Guwahati for graduate studies in 2004. Just like other Scorpios, his passion shows through in everything he loves. During the declining days of Ahoms, when their independent sovereignty had met to an end, Purandar Singha was entrusted in 1833 with the administration of Upper — Assam by the East India Company who had already won mastery over Assam. But the guwahati dating club resident of the city sails along, past graffiti-strewn walls and large hoardings announcing Pinkathons, waiting for the rains to abate and the waters to recede. For one, there is no dearth of competition for a businessman here, quite unlike the scenario during the ULFA-led separatist insurgency in the Nineties. During her 10-minute walk to work from her hostel, Borkataki hears at least two lewd comments on a between basis. Answer — There are two options to go with i.